Masuk Daftar

cerita ibarat si buta bahasa Inggris

  • cerita:    account on; narrative; story; tale; yarn;
  • cerita ibarat:    fable; parable; apologue; allegory
  • ibarat:    figurative; allegory; metaphor; like; apologue;
  • si:    capita; the; snake
  • si buta:    a blind person
  • buta:    blind; blind of one eye; sightless; unsighted;
  • didymus si buta:    didymus the blind
  • ibarat:    figurative; allegory; metaphor; like; apologue; simile; parable; aphorism; nonliteral; analogy; also; fable
  • si buta dari gua hantu (film bumilangit):    the blind of the phantom cave: angel's eyes
  • kisah-kisah beedle si juru cerita:    the tales of beedle the bard
  • buta:    blind; blind of one eye; sightless; unsighted; cecity; forgetful; blank; sightlessness; unknowledgeable; blindness
  •    bsc, bs
  • cerita:    account on; narrative; story; tale; yarn; recital; interpretation; prevarication; taradiddle; tell story; account; fib; tell; hank; version; history; reading; chronicle; report; fiction; lie; narrat
  • agak buta:    purblind
  • bakar buta:    blind-baking